Our shareholders

Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V. is a public limited company. All of our bank’s shares are owned by public authorities: 81% of the shares are owned by the regional water authorities, 17% by the State of the Netherlands and 2% are held by provinces. 

We have a small number of shareholders. This enables us to maintain direct contact with all of them. A General Meeting of Shareholders takes place every year. During this meeting, the Executive Committee reports on the financial results and policy pursued in the previous year. It also explains the bank’s strategy. In addition, interim consultations are held with shareholder water authorities twice a year. And the Executive Committee also meets with the Ministry of Finance every quarter. The Executive Committee also has regular, more informal discussions with shareholders.

Value of the shares

All shares are registered in our shareholder’s register. It contains all the names and addresses of the shareholders, the date on which they acquired the shares and the amounts they paid for each share. We make a distinction between A shares and B shares:

  • The nominal value of A shares is €115, 100% is required to be paid up. Each A share carries one vote at a shareholder’s meeting. 
  • The nominal value of B shares is €460, 25% is required to be paid up. Each B share carries four votes at a shareholder’s meeting.

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