Supervisory Board

Our Supervisory Board consists of the following members:

  • Joanne Kellermann, chair
  • Toon van der Klugt, vice chair
  • André ten Damme
  • Geert Embrechts
  • Frida van den Maagdenberg
  • Caroline Oosterloo
  • Annette Ottolini

The members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the General Meeting on the recommendation of the board. Two of the board members are subject to a right of recommendation of the shareholder water authorities. Candidates must meet several criteria to be appointed or reappointed. These criteria are outlined in the overall profile of the Supervisory Board.

A board member’s appointment lasts four years. Subsequently, that board member can be reappointed once for a period of four years. A second reappointment (of two years) is only possible under exceptional circumstances. The rotation schedule of the Supervisory Board lists the year in which current members of the board were reappointed or are scheduled to step down.

The Supervisory Board performs its duties in accordance with the Supervisory Board Charter. It contains rules governing the board’s functioning and internal organisation. It also contains provisions governing the board’s dealings with the Executive Committee and shareholders, as well as (potential) conflicts of interest. By adopting the charter, we are also adhering to the applicable legal provisions and the Dutch and European guidelines and codes.


The board has three committees that prepare factual work for specific decisions to be taken by the board. The committees’ tasks and their working methods are stipulated in separate charters. 

Audit Committee

André ten Damme, chair
Geert Embrechts
Joanne Kellermann
Caroline Oosterloo

More information is available in the Audit Committee Charter.

Risk Committee

Caroline Oosterloo, chair
André ten Damme
Geert Embrechts
Frida van den Maagdenberg

More information is available in the Risk Committee Charter.

Remuneration and Appointment Committee

Annette Ottolini, chair
Joanne Kellermann
Toon van der Klugt

More information is available in the Remuneration and Appointment Charter.