For the second year in succession, NWB Bank has won the Environmental Finance bond award for best social bond. The prize was awarded following the successful issuance of the €600mln Affordable Housing Bond in November last year. Since 2017, NWB Bank has issued seven Affordable Housing Bonds Bonds with a total volume of €4.7 billion. As a result of this, NWB Bank is the world’s largest issuer of Social Bonds.

“We are proud to again have been awarded this prize. The award stipulates that investors appreciate our role as a sustainable financial partner for the Dutch public sector. In 2019, we again will meet a significant part of our funding needs with what are known as SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) bonds”, says Tom Meuwissen, General Manager Treasury at NWB Bank.

The appreciation and interest from investors in NWB Bank’s SRI bonds is also demonstrated by the success of the Investor Day Netherlands. On 9 and 10 April, NWB Bank organised this event for the third time. About 15 investors from both at home and abroad were invited by NWB Bank to visit several projects that are financed with proceeds from the bank’s Water and Affordable Housing Bond. This year a visit was made to among others wastewater treatment plant from Water Authority Rijnland in Katwijk and a social housing project in Leiden from housing association Ons Doel.

For more info on the Environmental Finance ‘Social Bond of the Year’ Award, please see Environmental Finance.

Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V., Rooseveltplantsoen 3, 2517 KR The Hague, the Netherlands
Media relations: Simon Zwagemakers, t +31 70 4166259 / +31 6 57457906 e

NWB Bank is a national promotional bank which aims to keep the financing costs for the public sector as low as possible. The bank primarily serves local and regional authorities (water authorities, municipalities and provinces), as well as institutions guaranteed by the government or local and regional authorities, such as housing associations and health care institutions. Its AAA/Aaa ratings and financial expertise allow the bank to actively respond to the needs of its clients, allowing the latter in turn to fulfil their role in society in the Netherlands to the fullest extent possible. As a significant bank, NWB Bank is supervised by the European Central Bank (ECB).

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