Commited employees
Our employees are socially committed. We encourage them to participate in activities and projects that contribute to society both during and outside working hours. Below are some examples of the projects they are participating in.
Biodiversity Working Group
There is growing awareness, as is the case with climate change, that rapid action must be taken to curb the loss of biodiversity. In order to address the importance of biodiversity for financial institutions, a working group we set up under the auspices of the Sustainable Finance Platform. NWB Bank is the sponsor of this working group that further consists of Actiam, APG, ASN Bank, a.s.r., FMO, Rabobank and Robeco together with the Dutch Ministry of Nature and Food Quality and the Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation. The working group is headed by Lidwin van Velden, Chair of the Managing Board of our bank. We have combined our knowledge to produce a paper in which each institution also gives specific examples of how biodiversity is integrated biodiversity into their organisation and activities.
Banks in the Classroom
For the Banks in the Classroom (“Bank voor de Klas”) project, employees and Executive Committee members from NWB Bank act as guest teachers in primary schools. They do this every year during Money Week. Banks in the Classroom is a partnership between 17 Dutch banks and is organised by the Dutch Banking Association (NVB). NVB is a partner of the Money Wise platform (“Wijzer in Geldzaken”). It uses this platform to teach young children financial awareness. This will help them build a foundation for financial independence: it’s never too young to learn.
We believe in the importance of financial education and participate in this project every year. One of our project members also takes part in NVB’s Banks in the Classroom working group.
World Cleanup Day
Each year, employees of the bank participate in World Cleanup Day which this year took place at Saturday 19 September. World Cleanup Day is the biggest worldwide cleanup and in a total of 180 countries people took the street to pick up as much litter as possible. This not only results in a better sight, waterworks and public health also benefit from less litter. This year's cleanup again resulted in garbage bags full of litter with among others lots of plastic, cans and cigarette ends. In the Netherlands, a total number of 39.324 participated.
Employee sponsorship
Employees who can demonstrate regular involvement in a sustainable project can ask the bank to contribute either money, time or both. This is our way of encouraging staff to get involved in volunteer work.